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Do you know the frustrating feeling when the day ends and you realize you haven't accomplished what you set out to do? Maybe you were distracted or the temptations were just too great. Perhaps old habits crept in or stress overwhelmed you to the point where you couldn't focus on your goals.
Imagine how it would feel to proudly say at the end of each day: "I did it!"
In this energizer, you will learn a method that acts like a compass, keeping you on course. It provides you with the tools to overcome obstacles and resist temptations. Whether old habits are holding you back or stress is overwhelming you, this method helps you focus on your goals.

What can you expect?
  • Introduction to the method: Learn the basics and benefits of this effective approach.
  • Practical application: Discover how to apply this method in your daily life to achieve your goals.
  • Overcoming obstacles: Explore strategies to break old habits and handle stress more effectively.
This energizer helps you achieve your daily goals and enhance your well-being. Our goal is for you to look back at the end of each day with pride in your accomplishments.
Dieses Event wurde von Evermood erstellt und zuletzt am aktualisiert.

So kannst du teilnehmen

Wähle eine Umgebung, in der du dich wohlfühlst. Die Teilnahme ist:
  • ortsunabhängig (z.B. bei der Arbeit, von unterwegs oder zuhause),
  • mit jedem Endgerät möglich (Computer, Tablet oder Smartphone),
  • bequem über den Browser ohne zusätzliche Software verfügbar,
  • ohne Kamera und Mikrofon möglich.
Bei Technikproblemen: Nutze einen anderen Browser, trenne die VPN-Verbindung oder verwende dein privates Endgerät.


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