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How are you with fixed routines? Do you have daily routines that repeat themselves? Or is each day completely different and you let circumstances drive your actions?

Routines give our daily lives structure and stability. They help us be more productive, reduce stress, and maintain a sense of control and balance. When these fixed routines are missing, it can often lead to chaos, stress, and a feeling of being overwhelmed.

In this event, you will learn how to develop healthy routines and integrate them into your daily life. We will look at concrete strategies to help you stay motivated and achieve your goals.
What can you expect?
  • Reflecting on your routines: Discover which of your current habits are healthy and which you might want to change.
  • Building new habits: Get a step-by-step guide and practical everyday tips to successfully establish new routines.
  • Staying motivated and persistent: Learn how to stay motivated in the long term and master setbacks with confidence.
This energizer helps you bring more structure and balance into your life through healthy routines. Our goal is for you to feel empowered and motivated to implement your new routines after this session.
Dieses Event wurde von Evermood erstellt und zuletzt am aktualisiert.

So kannst du teilnehmen

Wähle eine Umgebung, in der du dich wohlfühlst. Die Teilnahme ist:
  • ortsunabhängig (z.B. bei der Arbeit, von unterwegs oder zuhause),
  • mit jedem Endgerät möglich (Computer, Tablet oder Smartphone),
  • bequem über den Browser ohne zusätzliche Software verfügbar,
  • ohne Kamera und Mikrofon möglich.
Bei Technikproblemen: Nutze einen anderen Browser, trenne die VPN-Verbindung oder verwende dein privates Endgerät.


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