Office Yoga: relaxed & balanced

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Do you sometimes notice how prolonged sitting at your desk causes you to slump into a rounded posture? Do you often realize you're tense only when the first signs of back pain and neck stiffness appear?
In our yoga session, we will focus on correcting possible postural imbalances, keeping your spine flexible, and preventing or reducing pain. We will guide you through yoga exercises specifically designed for your office routine, which you can easily do without sportswear or equipment, whether you're at the office or working from home.
These 20 minutes are perfect for taking a break from your hectic day, doing something good for your body, and enhancing your overall well-being.

What can you expect?
  • Balancing yoga poses: Exercises that strengthen your muscles and promote flexibility.
  • Pain relief: Techniques that help reduce back and neck pain.
  • Improved posture: Practices that enhance your posture and provide more balance in your daily life.
This energizer helps you stand taller and open up your chest. Your breathing will become easier and your body will be better oxygenated, making you more efficient and focused after a short yoga break.
Dieses Event wurde von Evermood erstellt und zuletzt am aktualisiert.

So kannst du teilnehmen

Wähle eine Umgebung, in der du dich wohlfühlst. Die Teilnahme ist:
  • ortsunabhängig (z.B. bei der Arbeit, von unterwegs oder zuhause),
  • mit jedem Endgerät möglich (Computer, Tablet oder Smartphone),
  • bequem über den Browser ohne zusätzliche Software verfügbar,
  • ohne Kamera und Mikrofon möglich.
Bei Technikproblemen: Nutze einen anderen Browser, trenne die VPN-Verbindung oder verwende dein privates Endgerät.

