Diese Aufnahme ist noch 10 Stunden verfügbar.

Dokumente für dieses Event
Do you ever feel out of balance, tense, unfocused, or restless? These are all symptoms that we experience both physically and emotionally. Because our bodies influence our minds and our minds influence our bodies. Therefore, it makes sense to strengthen our well-being on both levels.
In this event, our psychologist Sabeth and our sport psychologist Kathi will provide valuable insights and practical approaches to promoting our well-being on all levels.
Discover how the complex interactions between hormones, the nervous system, and gut health influence your well-being and learn everyday strategies to bring these systems back into harmony.
What can you expect?
  • Holistic understanding: Explore how hormones, the nervous system, and gut health are interconnected and influence your well-being.
  • Practical guidance: Learn simple exercises and techniques to harmonize your body and mind.
  • Everyday tips: Receive valuable advice to make your everyday life healthier and more balanced.
Dieses Event wurde von Evermood erstellt und zuletzt am aktualisiert.


Emotionale Belastung
Persönliche Weiterentwicklung
Positives Denken
Körperliche Belastung